How on Earth are you supposed to decide?
Who should live and who should die?
This is not about preservation or pride
This is the gut wrenching decision about life

Every life is a sentence that comes to an end
Be it a family member, a pet or a friend 
We follow the rules to live a full life
So everything goes to plan
Then a without notice
A shorter sentence 
Is drawn

Emotional overload, too much to cope
A burden you never want to let go
Heart broken and shattered
Shards all over the place 
Tummy tangled in knots
That chronically aches

Despite all our power
We are powerless
All we can do
Is wait

The time has come to be judge and the jury
Only we have the capacity to say
Would they suffer in pain
In a deal to stay
Or would they choose peace?
And move onto the next place
The mask of the executioner
Suffocating our drowned face

The scales mean nothing 
That hang in Lady Justice’s hands
Love and emotion 
She cannot begin to understand
As we wait for the time to come
We can only sit and Muse
Over the little left to win
And the everything to lose

Sadly not very fitting for Christmas, however, these things do not take a break over the Christmas Holidays, life goes on, as does death. This touches on a number of things to happen throughout 2020. The most recent to find that our utterly handsome, charismatic and gentle continental giant bunny has just been diagnosed with an abscess behind the eye, that in most cases is untreatable and becomes too painful to manage that it would be cruel to keep him alive. I am thankful we have time, how much we do not know. The abscess will grow and when it begins to impact on his health decisions will need to be made. Like many things the abscess came from nowhere, with no other health issues and usually many years of life ahead of him. His name is Muse.

RIP Handsome Boy 2021 X

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